Six years ago, I made the choice to leave ID&T. After six years of massive growth, international success, traveling, hard work, and partying, I felt like it was time for the next step.
Without knowing what would come next, I decided to take the plunge.

The period that followed was one of searching for what I really wanted in life. Creating space to read, reflect, and drink coffee with the people who inspired me.
In one of those conversations, I was asked the question, "What is your dream?"
I had never been asked that question before, let alone taken the time to really think about it.
Looking back, I can say that this was another pivotal moment in my development. This was (part of) the answer I emailed her the next day:
"My absolute dream is that I am able to inspire people in a positive way. Being an example to others through my way of living my life and doing my work. Having one foot in the world of business and one foot in the spiritual world. By combining and bridging these worlds, I hope to be able to coach, inspire and motivate people. Providing them with tools to find the perfect balance."
Now, three years later, I can say that this dream has become a reality.
This experience is proof to me (and a deep realization) that having a dream or vision is essential when it comes to our personal development. It has been the starting point of becoming the person I am today (and have always been).
A vision of ourselves in the future, a digital pin on Google Maps to sense where we are going, offers a path for a journey of self realization.
We live in crazy times where many of us experience unrest: unrest in ourselves and unrest in our lives. From feeling slightly unhappy to severe burnouts and depression. We float on the sea like a rudderless ship, being carried away by every wave, current, or storm. No idea where we are going.
This is living without a vision.
When we connect with our hearts, we know what we desire. But we do not make time to connect. We do not make space for ourselves. Fearing the uncertainty, we stop taking steps and stand still.
We become our own biggest obstacle towards true happiness and success.
Frustration comes from the difference between that deep knowing (that we are not living our dream) and our current reality. The life we live now, a life that is not in line with our vision.
The frustration and anger we then experience has a function. It acts as fuel needed for change.
It brings us to a point where we say: enough is enough! This has to change!
What's next?
Take a first step by taking a good look at who you are and who you want to be, what life you want to create for yourself. Be still and go within. Start with envisioning a new life for yourself.
"Who are you?"
"What are you doing?"
"Who are you with?"
"Which qualities of you are reflected in it?"
"How do you feel?"
In these moments it is extremely helpful to have someone on your side to ignite this fire. A person that inspires, motivates, and lets you look beyond your current reality to a life full of opportunities.
That is why I, too, work with my own coaches who help me to go beyond myself again and again.
Growth never stops. Expansion never stops.
Are you also ready to fly even further? Wait no longer and take your first step today.